


After years of steady decline, Egypt experienced an increase in the total fertility rate (TFR) from 3.0 births per woman in 2008 to 3.5 in 2014, which was coupled with an increase in desired family size among young people. To better understand this increase in fertility as well as prospects for change, the Evidence Project/Population […]


Les résultats d’une étude basée sur la science de la mise en œuvre pilote ont montré que les pharmacies privées constituent pour les populations une source potentielle de services volontaires de counseling, de contraceptifs oraux et d’injectables, mais qu’un appui technique supplémentaire et un environnement juridique favorable sont nécessaires pour réaliser ce potentiel. Basé sur […]



Implementation science study reveals that many Kenyan women living with HIV are comfortable receiving family planning (FP) services from community health volunteers and with proper training and support, community health volunteers have the potential to provide integrated FP/HIV services. Community-based integrated FP/HIV services could help connect women living with HIV who want to prevent or […]


This report highlights the contraceptive use dynamics among 2,699 married women in India who began using one of four reversible contraceptive methods over one year. Women aged 15-49 were enrolled into the study from Odisha and Haryana states within one month of starting their reversible method—interval intrauterine device (IUD), postpartum IUD (PPIUD), injectable contraceptive, or […]


This research report describes results from an implementation science study that explored the feasibility and acceptability of administering depot medroxyprogesterone acetate-subcutaneous (DMPA-SC) among healthcare providers and family planning (FP) clients in Ghana. DMPA-SC is an injectable contraceptive method that can be self-administered. The study, conducted by the Population Council through the USAID-funded Evidence Project in […]