Catalyzing Support for FP2020 in Pakistan
At the 2012 London Family Planning 2020 Summit, the government of Pakistan pledged to increase contraceptive prevalence from 30 percent to 55 percent by 2020. To reach this ambitious goal, an accelerated family planning program must become a national and provincial priority.
The Population Council Pakistan, working with stakeholders from other organizations, , formed a FP2020 Champions Group, comprising individuals from major organizations and donors. The aim of the Champions Group is to advocate to those influencing policymakers at the federal and provincial levels for expanded implementation and funding of family planning programs.
The Evidence Project is supporting this effort by contributing research to be used by the Champions Group in advocacy activities. Specifically, the project will generate policy briefs and presentations that provide the analytical backup for the Champions’ interactions and meetings with government representatives in mobilizing support for greater investments in family planning, with a particular focus on three major provinces— Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, and Sindh.