Increasing Support for Vasectomy Programming

© 2004 Isabelle Walhin, Courtesy of Photoshare

Although modern contraceptive use is increasing markedly, vasectomy remains marginalized and essentially unavailable in most low-income countries, despite being a highly effective contraceptive option for men.

The Evidence Project is conducting a set of activities to bolster support for the inclusion of vasectomy in countries’ method mixes, thereby expanding access to a wider range of contraceptive methods as countries work toward their FP2020 goals.

First, the project is synthesizing existing documentation on the implementation and scale up of vasectomy programs, which will identify and contextualize the factors that facilitate successful vasectomy integration. Second, a “portfolio of evidence” supporting the inclusion of vasectomy in country-specific family planning agendas is being developed. Targeting donors and policy makers, the portfolios may include presentations, briefs, and relevant graphics that make the case for vasectomy inclusion. These tools will highlight those programmatic elements that ensure high quality supply of methods, increase demand, and facilitate an enabling environment.