New Guide to Support the Development of a Total Market Approach to Family Planning

Total Market Approach (TMA) is a critical strategy for countries seeking to expand access, improve equity, and support sustainability of national family planning programs. A TMA recognizes that clients have different needs and resources (including ability to pay) and seek family planning services through different outlets. Central to a TMA is coordination and leveraging of strengths and resources across public, private, and nongovernmental sectors in order to reach a diverse client base with high quality family planning services.

The Evidence Project has released a new guide and toolkit, developed by PATH, which countries and development partners can use to design a TMA for their particular context. The Planning Guide for a Total Market Approach to Increase Family Planning, walks the user through the process of conducting a landscape assessment, the initial phase of developing a TMA. The guide and accompanying toolkit will be most useful for organizations and individuals – from across all sectors – intending to plan a TMA.

This resource grew out of discussions between the Evidence Project, PATH, and members of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition Market Development Approaches Working Group, and builds upon PATH’s previous TMA work in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Uganda, and Vietnam.

For more information, please contact:
Christopher Brady, Senior Program Officer