Technical Area:
Expanding Method Access and Choice: Financing and Service Options including Total Market Approach

            Senegal’s 2012-2015 National Family Planning Action Plan (2012-2015 NFPAP) is based on the 3D approach (Democratization, Demedicalization, and Decentralization). As the 2012-2015 NFPAP came to an end and a new plan was being developed, the Evidence Project/Population Council conducted a study to document the implementation and achievements of the […]

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There is a gap in knowledge and understanding of effective adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) programming in Bangladesh, especially programming at scale. Initiatives to address ASRH have been implemented at different times by both the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) and NGOs, but these activities have often been fragmented and are not well documented or evaluated, making it difficult to […]

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Technical Area:
Gender Transformative Approaches

Vasectomy is a safe and highly effective family planning method for men and couples who do not want any more children, but in low resource settings, few men seek out or have access to this method. Increasing the voluntary use of vasectomy is a cost-effective strategy for countries to reduce unmet need for family planning, […]

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