Technical Area:
Expanding Method Access and Choice: Financing and Service Options including Total Market Approach

The Evidence Project, with partners the Population Council and Management Sciences for Health, conducted a two-part study of the Scaling Up Family Planning project (coordinated by Abt Associates and funded by DfID) to identify the contributions, challenges, and lessons learned. The objectives of this research were to: Provide recommendations regarding the feasibility of integrating the […]

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Technical Area:
Expanding Method Access and Choice: Financing and Service Options including Total Market Approach

The recent increase in Egypt’s total fertility rate from 3.0 in 2008 to 3.5 in 2014, along with stalling contraceptive rates and persistent unmet need for family planning (FP), highlights a need to explore new venues for providing FP services. The specific objectives of this study were to determine the size, scope, and scale of private sector FP […]

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Technical Area:
Gender Transformative Approaches: IS for Scale Up

Family planning (FP) is urgently needed in Pakistan but progress remains slow. In its 2002 Population Policy, the country pledged to reduce its total fertility rate to 2.2 by 2020; at the London Summit in 2012, it further committed to increase the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) to 55 percent by the same year. Despite some important achievements, Pakistan’s […]

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