Meeting Report
The Population Council (through the STEP UP consortium and the Evidence Project) and the High Impact Practices (HIP) Collaboration, together with other partners, held a series of three consultative meetings around the topic of standards of evidence in reproductive and maternal health. The first consultation was held in New York (18-19 June 2013) and focused on the generation and synthesis of evidence to inform the production of HIP briefs. The second consultation was held in Croydon, UK (18-19 September 2013) and brought together researchers and funders of research to discuss and develop recommendations to improve research design and methodologies to generate evidence on the implementation and impact of FP/RH interventions; review mechanisms and structures for this evidence; and maximize quality and utility of evidence generation.
The third and final meeting in the series was held in Bellagio, Italy from 9-11 February 2016. The meeting brought together developing country decisionmakers (see Annex B for participant list) to vet, from the research “consumer” perspective, the recommendations that emerged from the second consultation and to elicit further recommendations on how to better generate and package evidence to meet the needs of decisionmakers. Also in attendance were donors, multi-lateral organizations, and researchers from the second consultation, so that they could better understand the decisionmakers’ perspectives and to forge connections between “producers” and “consumers” of evidence.