

Family planning is recognized as a necessary tool for faster fertility decline leading to accelerated economic development. However, its unique and potent role in preserving mother and child health is less well understood. These four briefs explain why family planning must be prioritized in Balochistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), and Punjab provinces’ health strategies as […]

Journal Article

New journal article analyzes the tools used to measure negative client-provider interactions in family planning programs.

Resource Guide

The ambitious FP2020 goal of providing family planning services to 120 million more women and girls that emerged from the Family Planning Summit in London in 2012 has refocused attention on the need to ensure that family planning programs respect, protect and fulfill individual’s human rights and that programs are implemented using a rights-based approach.  […]


This guidance document provides the management of international brands or retailers and their supplier companies a set of voluntary guidelines for improving the health and well-being of workers in factories, farms, and other workplaces. It is focused on both the quality of health services provided at the workplace and the adequacy of company policies and […]


The human rights dimensions of family planning programs have been recognized for nearly half a century and affirmed in numerous declarations, conventions, and treaties endorsed by governments and the international community. While discourse about respecting, protecting, and fulfilling these rights is growing, a gap persists between human rights rhetoric and integrating rights in family planning […]