Married young women and girls are the primary users of youth-centered sexual and reproductive health services in Ethiopia and, given the health risks associated with early and closely-spaced pregnancies, represent an especially important population to reach with SRH services. This brief looks specifically at the needs and preferences for family planning and reproductive health services […]

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BSR’s HERproject is a collaborative initiative that strives to empower low-income women working in global supply chains in 14 countries worldwide. One of the HERproject’s three pillars is HERhealth, which seeks to improve the health-related knowledge and behaviors and access to health services and products of low-income working women. In Bangladesh, HERhealth specifically addresses reproductive […]

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Technical Area:
Expanding Method Access and Choice: Workplace Programming

In Cambodia, there has been considerable investment in improving the well-being of factory workers. Understanding the key stakeholders and their roles in improving worker health is essential for policy change and ensuring that interventions achieve sustainable, long term impact in and around the workplace. The Cambodia Worker Health Coalition (WorkerHealth) set out to understand the […]

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